Bozeman, MT Lawsuit Loans

  • Get Cash as Soon as the Same Business Day
  • Rates as Low as 2.5% Simple, Monthly
  • Repay $0 if You Lose Your Case
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What Are Lawsuit Loans in Bozeman, Montana

A lawsuit loan is a financial solution for plaintiffs awaiting the conclusion of a legal claim. These are non-recourse advances, meaning if the plaintiff does not win their case, they owe nothing. In essence, a lawsuit loan offers an advance on your future legal settlement.

At, we provide funding to personal injury and other legal claims across Montana. Plaintiffs can visit our main Montana Lawsuit Loans page for more information.

To illustrate how this works, let’s consider a hypothetical example. Let’s say Roger, a resident of Bozeman, Montana, was involved in a motorbike accident. While waiting for his case to settle, financial pressures started mounting due to medical bills and everyday expenses. Through, Roger applied for a lawsuit loan to alleviate immediate financial worries. This allowed him to focus on his recovery and ensured he had the funds necessary until his case was resolved.

How Lawsuit Loans Work

Here’s how the lawsuit loan process works in three easy steps. The entire process can be completed within 24 hours with your attorney’s help.

Telephone Icon - Starting the process is easy, just apply online or call toll free

Apply Online or Call Toll-Free

Apply online or call us toll-free at (866) 594-1343. Submitting your application takes minutes.

Review Icon - We quickly review your legal case.

We Review Your Case

Next, we contact your law firm and collect basic information to review your case. Review only takes a few hours.

Money Bag Icon - Once we approve your case, you and your attorney sign the contract and you get cash the same day

You Receive Funds

You and your attorney review and sign our funding contract. Once complete, you can have funds within hours.

Important Montana Lawsuit Loan Information

This section provides essential data about lawsuit loans in Montana. The following table shows prominent facts, such as average loan amounts and legal specifics for the state of Montana.

Average loan amount by in Montana $52,375.00
Largest loan by in Montana $94,750.00
Average semi-annual rate in Montana 17.5%
Median personal injury verdict in Montana $31,000.00
Montana statute of limitations 3 Years; Mont. Code Ann. § 27-2-202
Montana fault laws Montana is an “at-fault” or “tort” state, meaning the driver found to be responsible for the accident is liable for damages.
City population, 2020 53,293

Get up to $500,000 With Rates as Low as 2.5% Simple, Monthly

Common Case Types We Fund in Bozeman

We fund a variety of case types in Bozeman. Each case is unique, but there are certain types that we encounter more frequently. Below, we have provided an overview of common types of cases we fund:

1. Auto and Other Roadway Accidents

Accidents involving motor vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists, or commercial trucks often result in harmful injuries that can lead to financial stress. We provide funds during the litigation process to ease this burden.

2. Premises Liability Cases

Premises liability involves accidents that happen on someone else’s property due to their negligence. Cases like slip and fall incidents or unsafe conditions fall under premises liability. We fund these cases while plaintiffs await a settlement.

3. Medical Malpractice

When healthcare professionals fail to meet the expected standards, it can result in harm to patients. These cases, known as medical malpractice, often require substantial evidence and take time to resolve. Our funding can alleviate financial stress during this period.

4. Labor Law Claims

We also fund labor law claims. These involve violations of labor laws, such as unfair wages or working conditions. Funding from us can help plaintiffs fight for their rights without worrying about finances.

5. Employment Claims

Employment-related claims involve issues like wrongful termination, discrimination, or harassment at work. We understand these cases can be emotionally draining and financially straining, which is why we provide pre-settlement funding.

6. Other Personal Injury Claims

Beyond these specific categories, we fund a variety of other personal injury claims. If you’ve been injured due to someone else’s negligence, we may be able to provide pre-settlement funding to help you through the legal process.

Get an Instant Quote

Input your requested funding amount and the time your case may take to settle here to see your potential savings and costs when you choose While we sometimes offer rates as low as 2.5%, our calculator assumes a simple, non-compounding monthly rate of 3.3%. This calculator is for illustrative purposes only. Actual terms may differ. Please contact us for an instant, written quote for your request.

Advance Amount:

Months Until Settlement:


Total Cost

Pay $2,900 on a lawsuit loan of $10,000 if your case settles within 6 months of your advance.


Your Savings

Save $1,428 compared to competitors on a lawsuit loan of $10,000 if your case settles within 6 months of your advance.


Percent Savings

Save 33% on a lawsuit loan of $10,000 if your case settles within 6 months of your advance.

Am I Eligible for a Lawsuit Loan in Bozeman?

If you are currently involved in a legal matter, you might be asking whether you’re eligible for a lawsuit loan. The primary eligibility criteria for lawsuit loans include the following:

  • Having a valid legal claim: You must have a legal case against an insurance company, self-insured company or large public entity.
  • Representation by an attorney: It’s necessary to have an attorney working on your claim. This assures the lender that your case is legit and significantly increases your chances of obtaining a loan.
  • Being 18 years old: You must be at least 18 years; as according to law, minors cannot enter into legally binding contracts alone.

If you meet these criteria, you may be eligible for a lawsuit loan. Remember, each case is unique, and eligibility largely depends on the specifics of your case.

Get Started

Apply today and get funds in as little as 24 hours!

Our Bozeman Lawsuit Loan Process

If you’re involved in a personal injury or other legal case and need financial help, is here for you. We provide lawsuit loans to plaintiffs, offering a lifeline while they wait for their case resolution. Our process, which we’ll explain below, is straightforward and transparent.

The Five Main Steps to Get Lawsuit Loans

  1. Apply online – We’ve made the process as easy as possible by allowing you to apply from the comfort of your home. Simply visit the funding application and fill out your details.
  2. We contact your law firm – After you’ve submitted your application, we will reach out to your attorney to get more details about your case.
  3. We review your case – With the information from your law firm, we now have everything we need to examine your case carefully. This process helps us determine whether you qualify for a loan.
  4. You sign a contract – If you’re approved, we will send you a contract for you to review and sign.
  5. You get funds – Once the contract is signed, we’ll send your funds. You can use this money to help with any financial obligations you may have while your case progresses.

An Example of Getting a Lawsuit Loan

Let’s say John, a Bozeman resident, gets injured in a car accident and sues the party at fault. Because of his injuries, he can’t work and struggles with his bills. John applies for a lawsuit loan with

After applying, we contact his law firm to review his case. We find that John has a strong case and approve him for a loan. After signing the contract, John receives his funds. Now he can cover his bills and focus on his recovery while his case resolves.

Remember, each case is unique, so time frames and amounts may vary.

How Much Money Can I Get From my Lawsuit Loan?

Lawsuit loans from can range from $500 to over $1,000,000. We can advance up to a maximum of 25% of your expected portion of the settlement if your case is still in progress. For settled cases, we can offer 50% of your expected portion of the settlement.

Let’s take an example. A plaintiff in Bozeman is involved in a car accident case with an estimated value of $100,000. The case is still in progress and won’t settle for some time. Medical providers typically get paid around 1/3 of the settlement, the attorney gets another 1/3, and the plaintiff receives approximately $35,000. In this situation, we at would have the ability to advance around 25% of that amount – resulting in a lawsuit loan of around $8,250 for the plaintiff.

Get $500 – $500,000 in as Little as a Single Business Day!

We understand that if you’re applying for funding with us, you needed the funding yesterday. With your attorney’s cooperation, we can provide funding as soon as the same business day.

How quickly can I get a pre-settlement lawsuit loan in Bozeman?

If you’re a plaintiff in Bozeman and you need financial support while you wait for your legal case to be resolved, is here to help. One of the common questions we receive from potential clients is: “How quickly can I get pre-settlement lawsuit loan?” Our answer is: it could be faster than you think.

After you submit your application, our team at will swiftly review your case. We understand the urgency that often comes with these situations, so we strive to make a decision within 24 hours. This means that if your application is approved, you could potentially receive the funds you need in a very short time frame.

To give some examples, consider Jane and John, both of whom are plaintiffs residing in Bozeman. Jane submitted her application on Monday evening. By Tuesday evening, she received a decision. John, on the other hand, sent in his application over the weekend. Even though our offices were closed, we reviewed his application first thing Monday morning, and he had his decision by Monday afternoon.

No matter your situation, we try our best to process your application and deliver a decision as quickly as possible. Don’t let financial pressure add any more stress to your life, apply for a funding today.

Pros and Cons of Pre-Settlement Funding in Bozeman, Montana

In the world of law and legal finance, pre-settlement funding stands as a practical option for many plaintiffs. If you’re a resident of Bozeman, Montana dealing with a personal injury or other kind of lawsuit, here’s what you should know about the benefits and drawbacks of pre-settlement funding.

Benefits of Pre-Settlement Funding

  1. Financial Relief: Personal injury claims can leave you short on cash while you wait for a settlement. Pre-settlement funding helps provide the financial relief needed in these tough times.
  2. Early Access to Funds: Accessing your settlement sum before reaching a verdict ensures that you can pay your bills and attain a degree of financial stability.
  3. Avoiding Early Settlement Pressure: By having access to funds earlier, you can resist pressure from opposing counsel to settle your case prematurely and potentially for less money than owing to you.
  4. Non-recourse Nature of Lawsuit Loans: If you lose your case, you will not have to repay the lawsuit loan. This establishes a safety net for plaintiffs entering pre-settlement funding.

Costs or Cons of Pre-Settlement Funding

  1. High-Interest Rates: These loans often come with relatively high interest rates, which can leave you with less of your settlement when the case resolves.
  2. Lack of Industry Regulation: The pre-settlement funding industry is generally unregulated or under-regulated. This means there can be a lack of transparency or inconsistency in how providers work.
  3. Requirement for a Well-Developed Case: To secure pre-settlement funding, you need to have a well-developed case with an attorney working on a contingency basis. Not all plaintiffs will meet this criterion.

It’s crucial to weigh the benefits and potential drawbacks before deciding on a pre-settlement financing option. We at are here to help, just call us at (800) 340-4973 or complete our online funding application.

Get up to $500,000 With Rates as Low as 2.5% Simple, Monthly

Bozeman Pre-Settlement Funding FAQs

The process of applying for pre-settlement funding might seem daunting, but we’re here to help. Here are some frequently asked questions about lawsuit loans in Bozeman and throughout Montana:

How much does it cost to get a lawsuit loan?

The cost of a lawsuit loan depends on the specifics of your case and the amount of money you require. There is no standard cost, as each case is unique. It’s essential, however, to understand that with, there are no hidden charges or upfront fees.

Do I qualify for a lawsuit loan?

Qualification for a lawsuit loan generally depends mainly on the strength and value of your lawsuit. In most cases, if you have a lawyer who believes in your case and you are waiting for a settlement or a jury verdict, you could qualify for a lawsuit loan.

If you have bad credit, can you get pre-settlement funding in Montana?

Yes, your credit history does not affect your eligibility for pre-settlement funding. This funding is based on the merits of your case, not your creditworthiness. Even if you have bad credit, you can still apply for and potentially receive a lawsuit loan in Montana.

Other Cities we Service in Montana provides funding throughout Montana. See more about our funding in other key Montana cities by visiting the pages below:

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Apply today and get funds in as little as 24 hours!

Bozeman, MT Cases we Fund provides funding for various personal injury and roadway accident cases in Bozeman. Read more about the personal injury cases we fund in Bozeman here:

Read more about the roadway accident claims we fund in Bozeman here:

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