Hillsboro, OR Lawsuit Loans

  • Get Cash as Soon as the Same Business Day
  • Rates as Low as 2.5% Simple, Monthly
  • Repay $0 if You Lose Your Case
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What Are Lawsuit Loans in Hillsboro, Oregon

Lawsuit loans are a financial resource available to plaintiffs in Hillsboro, Oregon, and throughout the state. These funds provide a means of support for those undergoing the challenging legal process following personal injury incidents, such as car accidents, slips and falls, dog bites, pedestrian accidents, or motorcycle accidents.

A lawsuit loan is essentially an advance on your future legal settlement. This type of funding is often highly beneficial for plaintiffs struggling with medical bills and everyday expenses during the long legal journey. Importantly, lawsuit loans are non-recourse advances, meaning if you don’t win your case, no repayment is required.

At LawsuitLoans.io, we fund claims across Oregon. For more detailed information specific to Oregon, visit our Oregon Lawsuit Loans page.

To better understand, let’s consider a hypothetical scenario involving Hillsboro resident Mason. After being involved in a harrowing car accident, Mason was left unable to work and with mounting medical bills. Like many, he decided to pursue a personal injury lawsuit. However, the road to resolution is often lengthy and financially draining. Thanks to a lawsuit loan from LawsuitLoans.io, Mason was able to cover his everyday expenses and medical costs while waiting for his case to resolve without risking any personal assets.

How Lawsuit Loans Work

Here’s how the lawsuit loan process works in three easy steps. The entire process can be completed within 24 hours with your attorney’s help.

Telephone Icon - Starting the process is easy, just apply online or call toll free

Apply Online or Call Toll-Free

Apply online or call us toll-free at (866) 594-1343. Submitting your application takes minutes.

Review Icon - We quickly review your legal case.

We Review Your Case

Next, we contact your law firm and collect basic information to review your case. Review only takes a few hours.

Money Bag Icon - Once we approve your case, you and your attorney sign the contract and you get cash the same day

You Receive Funds

You and your attorney review and sign our funding contract. Once complete, you can have funds within hours.

Important Oregon Lawsuit Loan Information

This section offers critical information about lawsuit loans in Oregon. Here, you will find details about the average and maximum loan amounts provided by LawsuitLoans.io in this state. You will also uncover data on the semi-annual rate, personal injury verdict median, and legislation specific to Oregon. Feel free to reach out to our team if you have any questions or require further clarification.

Average loan amount by LawsuitLoans.io in Oregon $15,635.64
Largest loan by LawsuitLoans.io in Oregon $123,059.00
Average semi-annual rate in Oregon 20.3%
Median personal injury verdict in Oregon $36,721.00
Oregon statute of limitations 2 Years; Chapter 12 Section 12.110
Oregon fault laws Oregon is a “no-fault” state for PIP (Personal Injury Protection) insurance, but also operates under “at-fault” rules for determining who pays for property damage and additional personal injury costs.
Portland population, 2020 106,447

Get up to $500,000 With Rates as Low as 2.5% Simple, Monthly

Common Case Types We Fund in Hillsboro

We provide funding for a variety of case types in Hillsboro. This section gives an overview of the most common types of legal cases we finance:

Auto and Other Roadway Accidents

These incidents range from car, truck, and motorcycle accidents to pedestrian or bicycle accidents. Victims commonly sustain injuries from others’ negligence and such accidents constitute a considerable part of our funding portfolio.

Premises Liability

Premises liability covers cases where people get injured due to unsafe conditions on someone else’s property. It includes slip and falls, trip and falls, inadequate security cases, and even dog bites.

Medical Malpractice

We fund medical malpractice claims where a healthcare professional breaches their duty of care, resulting in harm to the patient. This breach can result from an error in diagnosis, treatment, or health management.

Labor Law Claims

We offer support to workers who seek claims against unlawful practices at their workplace. Labor law claims might involve unlawful termination, wage violations, or discrimination.

Employment Claims

Similar to labor law claims, employment claims involve all types of workplace issues. These include wrongful termination, discrimination, harassment, or any form of misconduct by employers.

Other Personal Injury Claims

In addition to those above, various other personal injury cases are included in our funding plan. These might involve product liability cases, defamation, abuse, and other forms of personal injury caused by another person’s negligence.

Get an Instant Quote

Input your requested funding amount and the time your case may take to settle here to see your potential savings and costs when you choose LawsuitLoans.io. While we sometimes offer rates as low as 2.5%, our calculator assumes a simple, non-compounding monthly rate of 3.3%. This calculator is for illustrative purposes only. Actual terms may differ. Please contact us for an instant, written quote for your request.

Advance Amount:

Months Until Settlement:


Total Cost

Pay $2,900 on a lawsuit loan of $10,000 if your case settles within 6 months of your advance.


Your Savings

Save $1,428 compared to competitors on a lawsuit loan of $10,000 if your case settles within 6 months of your advance.


Percent Savings

Save 33% on a lawsuit loan of $10,000 if your case settles within 6 months of your advance.

Am I Eligible for a Lawsuit Loan in Hillsboro?

If you’ve been injured and have a legal claim, you might be wondering if you’re eligible for a lawsuit loan. There are several criteria one must meet to qualify for a lawsuit loan from LawsuitLoans.io.

Primarily, you need to have a valid legal claim against an insurance company, a self-insured company, or a large public entity. This could be a personal injury case, workers’ compensation, or any other type of legal claim where you are seeking damages.

Secondly, you must have an attorney representing your case. The attorney will work with LawsuitLoans.io during the application process, provide necessary legal information, and assist in determining the strength of your case.

Finally, you must be 18 years old or older. This is a standard requirement across the lending industry, not specific to LawsuitLoans.io.

If these criteria fit your situation, consider applying for a lawsuit loan with LawsuitLoans.io. It could be the financial solution you need while waiting for your case to resolve.

Get Started

Apply today and get funds in as little as 24 hours!

Our Hillsboro Lawsuit Loan Process

Understanding how the lawsuit loan process works can provide peace of mind for plaintiffs. At LawsuitLoans.io, we aim to make things simple and straightforward. There are mainly five steps you can take to get to the funds you need.

  1. Apply online: The first step is to complete your application online. This can be done at your convenience through our LawsuitLoans.io funding application.
  2. We contact your law firm: Once your online application is submitted, we get in touch with your law firm to discuss the case details further.
  3. We review your case: After we have all the necessary information from the firm, we conduct a thorough review of your case. We evaluate its strength and assess the likely settlement amount.
  4. You sign a contract: When the case review is complete, and if pre-settlement funding is approved, you will be provided a contract to sign. This contract has all the loan terms and conditions.
  5. You get funds: And finally, after the contract is signed, the funds will be sent to you. You can access and use these funds for living expenses or any other necessary costs while you wait for your legal case to resolve.

Let’s take an example to further clarify this process. Imagine that John, who is suing for personal injury, runs into tough financial times while waiting for his case to resolve. Instead of taking on more debt, he decides to get a lawsuit loan from LawsuitLoans.io. He applies online, and after thorough review and approval, he signs the contract and receives the funds in a short span of time. This quick and easy process ensures John addresses his immediate financial needs without the stress of further debt accrual.

How Much Money Can I Get From my Lawsuit Loan?

Lawsuit loans from LawsuitLoans.io can range from $500 – $1,000,000+. We can advance up to a maximum of 25% of your expected portion of the settlement if your case is still in progress. For settled cases, we can offer 50% of your expected portion of the settlement.

Let’s give an example: A plaintiff in Hillsboro is involved in a car accident case with an estimated value of $100,000. Unfortunately, the case is still in progress and won’t settle for some time. Following typical distribution, medical providers would receive around 1/3 of the settlement, the attorney would receive another 1/3, and the plaintiff would take home around $35,000. In this situation, we at LawsuitLoans.io could advance around 25% of that amount, or approximately $8,250.

Get $500 – $500,000 in as Little as a Single Business Day!

We understand that if you’re applying for funding with us, you needed the funding yesterday. With your attorney’s cooperation, we can provide funding as soon as the same business day.

How quickly can I get a pre-settlement lawsuit loan in Hillsboro?

If you are a plaintiff waiting for your legal case to resolve, you could have questions about how fast you could get a pre-settlement lawsuit loan. With LawsuitLoans.io, the process is swift and efficient. After you submit your application, it takes us as little as 24 hours to review your case and decide.

Let’s take, for example, John Doe, a plaintiff involved in a personal injury case. After submitting his application with all the necessary documents attached, LawsuitLoans.io was able to review and approve his application within one business day. This allowed him to have immediate access to funds which helped him to cover his living expenses while he waited for his case to be resolved.

Similarly, Jane Smith applied for a pre-settlement loan after she filed a lawsuit for a workplace accident. LawsuitLoans.io reviewed her case swiftly within 24 hours and she received the needed funds promptly.

Brest assured, our team works tirelessly to ensure your application process is handled with the utmost speed and professionalism. At LawsuitLoans.io, we understand your urgency and strive to deliver the funds you need as quickly as possible.

Pros and Cons of Pre-Settlement Funding in Hillsboro, Oregon

If you’re a plaintiff in Hillsboro, Oregon with a personal injury or other legal claim, you may consider pre-settlement funding as an option to cover your costs while you wait for your case to resolve. At LawsuitLoans.io, we’re here to provide you with the help you need. But before you apply, it’s important to understand the pros and cons of pre-settlement funding.

Benefits of Pre-Settlement Funding

Pre-settlement funding provides several key benefits:

  1. Financial relief: If your lawsuit if taking longer than expected and causing financial stress, receiving a lawsuit loan can allow you relieve that pressure and focus on your case.
  2. Early access to funds: Instead of waiting until the conclusion of the lawsuit, you get a portion of your settlement upfront.
  3. Avoiding early settlement pressure: With funds available, you can avoid settling for less than your case is worth just to get quick money.
  4. Non-recourse nature: If, for some reason, you lose your case, you won’t have to repay the loan. This is also known as non-recourse funding.

Cons of Pre-Settlement Funding

However, it’s also essential to be aware of some potential downsides:

  1. Relatively high interest rates: Compared to other financial services, lawsuit loans can have high interest rates.
  2. Unregulated or under-regulated industry: The industry itself is not heavily regulated, which can raise concerns about fairness and transparency.
  3. The need for a well developed case: To qualify for a lawsuit loan, you need to have a solid case with an attorney working on a contingency basis.

Get up to $500,000 With Rates as Low as 2.5% Simple, Monthly

Hillsboro Pre-Settlement Funding FAQs

For Hillsboro residents, lawsuit loans may seem complex. To help clarify, the following are some common frequently asked questions (FAQs) about pre-settlement funding:

How much does it cost to get a lawsuit loan?

The cost of getting a lawsuit loan can vary. Determining factors include the amount you need and your case specifics. For more precise information, we recommend using LawsuitLoans.io’s free quote service.

Do I qualify for a lawsuit loan?

Generally speaking, if you have a legal claim and hire a lawyer, you likely qualify. It does not depend on your employment or income status. However, every case is different, so it’s best to ask directly by contacting LawsuitLoans.io or submitting an application.

If you have bad credit, can you get pre-settlement funding in Oregon?

Absolutely! At LawsuitLoans.io, your credit score isn’t a deciding factor. Instead, your case’s merits determine if you are eligible for funding. So, bad credit doesn’t stop you from applying for pre-settlement funds.

Other Cities we Service in Oregon

LawsuitLoans.io provides funding throughout Oregon. See more about our funding in other key Oregon cities by visiting the pages below:

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Apply today and get funds in as little as 24 hours!

Hillsboro, OR Cases we Fund

LawsuitLoans.io provides funding for various personal injury and roadway accident cases in Hillsboro. Read more about the personal injury cases we fund in Hillsboro here:

Read more about the roadway accident claims we fund in Hillsboro here:

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