Maine Slip and Fall Lawsuit Loans

  • Get Cash as Soon as the Same Business Day
  • Rates as Low as 2.5% Simple, Monthly
  • Repay $0 if You Lose Your Case
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What is a Slip and Fall Lawsuit Loan, and How Does it Work in Maine

A lawsuit loan, also known as pre-settlement funding, is a lifeline for plaintiffs with legal claims like slip and fall accidents. It provides them with the funds they need to cover their daily expenses while waiting for their legal case to get resolved. These are not typical loans, but non-recourse advances on a future legal settlement. This means that if a plaintiff does not win their case, they are under no obligation to repay the funds.

In the case of a slip and fall accident in Maine, for example, the injured party files a lawsuit against the entity they believe is responsible for their injury. Because lawsuits can take a long time to conclude, the person might need financial help during this period. A lawsuit loan from a company like could provide this help.

The application process for this type of loan generally involves an overview of the legal claim and consultation with the plaintiff’s attorney. The funding company will assess the potential for a successful settlement or judgment in favor of the plaintiff. If the case seems strong, the company may approve the advance.

Please note that this financial tool is designed as a last resort for individuals who find it difficult to meet their financial obligations due to their pending lawsuit. Before deciding to apply for a lawsuit loan, it is advisable to discuss your options with your attorney or a financial advisor. For more information or to apply, visit our funding application page, or call us toll free at (800) 340-4973.

How Lawsuit Loans Work

Here’s how the lawsuit loan process works in three easy steps. The entire process can be completed within 24 hours with your attorney’s help.

Telephone Icon - Starting the process is easy, just apply online or call toll free

Apply Online or Call Toll-Free

Apply online or call us toll-free at (866) 594-1343. Submitting your application takes minutes.

Review Icon - We quickly review your legal case.

We Review Your Case

Next, we contact your law firm and collect basic information to review your case. Review only takes a few hours.

Money Bag Icon - Once we approve your case, you and your attorney sign the contract and you get cash the same day

You Receive Funds

You and your attorney review and sign our funding contract. Once complete, you can have funds within hours.’s Legal Funding Process

If you’re involved in a slip and fall injury claim, can offer you access to funds while you wait for your legal case to resolve. This arrangement is often referred to as a lawsuit loan. Here’s a brief overview of how the process works:

  1. Apply online: Fill in the application located at funding application.
  2. We contact your law firm: After receiving your application, we get in touch with your attorney to talk about your case.
  3. We review your case: Our team then assesses the details of your case, including your potential settlement.
  4. You sign a contract: If we approve your application, you’d need to sign a contract detailing the terms of the loan.
  5. You get funds: Once the contract is signed, we transfer the funds directly to you.

To illustrate, let’s consider the case of a plaintiff named John. John had a slip and fall accident and has filed a lawsuit against the party responsible. However, he needs funds to cover living expenses while waiting for the case resolution. This is where comes in handy!

John decides to apply for a lawsuit loan and fills in the online application form. contacts his legal team and reviews his case. After careful consideration, the company approves John’s application. He signs the detailed contract. Shortly after, John receives the funds directly. Through the lawsuit loan from, John manages his finances until the conclusion of his legal case.

Get up to $500,000 With Rates as Low as 2.5% Simple, Monthly

Common Causes of Slip and Fall Injuries in Maine

  1. Wet or icy surfaces: This is a common cause of slip and fall injuries. When a property owner fails to address hazardous surfaces due to rain, snow, or ice they may be found negligent.
  2. Poorly lit areas: Improper lighting can make it difficult to see hazards such as potholes, steps, and uneven flooring. Owners who do not provide adequate lighting may be at fault for your injury.
  3. Unsafe stairways: Stairways that are not well-maintained pose a danger. This includes stairs with broken or loose parts and stairs without handrails. Negligence is often found with these types of falls.
  4. Uneven sidewalks and parking lots: Property owners have a duty to keep outdoor areas safe. Cracks, holes, or uneven cement can cause serious fall injuries. When these conditions exist, an owner may be held responsible.
  5. Cluttered floors: Items left on the floor can create a trip hazard. This includes in stores where items are misplaced or fallen off shelves. When an owner does not clean up or clear areas, they may be found accountable for any injuries caused.

Get an Instant Quote

Input your requested funding amount and the time your case may take to settle here to see your potential savings and costs when you choose While we sometimes offer rates as low as 2.5%, our calculator assumes a simple, non-compounding monthly rate of 3.3%. This calculator is for illustrative purposes only. Actual terms may differ. Please contact us for an instant, written quote for your request.

Advance Amount:

Months Until Settlement:


Total Cost

Pay $2,900 on a lawsuit loan of $10,000 if your case settles within 6 months of your advance.


Your Savings

Save $1,428 compared to competitors on a lawsuit loan of $10,000 if your case settles within 6 months of your advance.


Percent Savings

Save 33% on a lawsuit loan of $10,000 if your case settles within 6 months of your advance.

Maine Personal Injury Lawsuit Loan Information

For residents of Maine who have suffered personal injuries, financial help may be available while you wait for a settlement. At, we offer pre-settlement funding against potential lawsuit payouts. Let us discuss the details of Maine personal injury lawsuit loans.

Average premises liability funding by in Maine Not enough data available
Largest premises liability loan by in Maine Not enough data available average semi-annual rate for premises liability lawsuit loans in Maine Not enough data available
Median personal injury verdict in Maine $27,000 to $113,500
2020 fall deaths in Maine 362

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Am I Eligible for a Slip and Fall Lawsuit Loan in Maine?

If you’re considering a slip and fall lawsuit loan in Maine, it’s essential to understand the primary eligibility criteria. This can help you know if this financial option is available to you during a pending legal claim.

Firstly, you must have a valid legal claim against an insurance company, a self-insured company, or a large public entity. This means there’s an ongoing litigation process where you are seeking reparation for damages as a result of slip and fall.

Secondly, representation by an attorney is a must-have. requires you to have legal representation to qualify for a lawsuit loan. Your attorney helps you navigate through your case and plays a key role in ensuring the loan is ultimately recovered.

Lastly, any applicant for a Maine slip and fall lawsuit loan must be 18 years old or older. Being a legal adult ensures you can enter into a binding agreement with for the pre-settlement funding.

How Much Money Can I Get From my Slip and Fall Lawsuit Loan? offers lawsuit loans on slip and fall claims that can range anywhere from $500 to over $1,000,000. If your case is still ongoing, we can provide an advance of up to 25% of the amount you are likely to receive from your settlement. This percentage increases to 50% for settled personal injury cases.

For example, let’s say a plaintiff in Maine is currently involved in a slip and fall claim valued at roughly $250,000. Even though they are still receiving treatment for their injuries and the resolution of their case lies at least another year in the future, the plaintiff can still avail our services. Under normal circumstances, medical providers receive about one-third of the settlement, the attorney takes another third, leaving the plaintiff with approximately $80,000. Given our policies, we could advance 25% of this remaining sum, that amounts to $20,000.

Get $500 – $500,000 in as Little as a Single Business Day!

We understand that if you’re applying for funding with us, you needed the funding yesterday. With your attorney’s cooperation, we can provide funding as soon as the same business day.

How Can I Use the Money From my Slip and Fall Lawsuit Loan in Maine?

When you receive a lawsuit loan from for your slip and fall case in Maine, you have the flexibility to use it as per your needs. However, many people want to know exactly what they can spend these funds on. This stems from a place of responsibility, ensuring that the loan is used in the most beneficial way.

The primary purpose of these funds is to aid you during this challenging time by covering essential living and medical expenses. Here are some examples:

  • Living Expenses: The loan can be used to cover daily living costs, such as rent or mortgage, utilities, food, clothing, transportation, and child care.
  • Medical Expenses: If you’ve suffered a serious injury in your slip and fall incident, the resulting medical costs can be substantial. Your lawsuit loan can help cover doctor’s appointments, medication, physical therapy, surgeries, and all the other costs associated with your ongoing recovery.

In simple terms, you are free to use your lawsuit loan to meet any immediate financial need. There’s just one restriction you should be aware of – lawsuit loans obtained from cannot be used to fund litigation expenses or legal fees associated with your case. This is because we’re committed to respecting the ethical guidelines set by the Maine Bar Association, which prevents us from providing financial support directly linked to the legal process.

Benefits of Slip and Fall Lawsuit Loans

Lawsuit loans, especially for slip and fall cases, offer several key benefits. The most important includes gaining financial relief. Having immediate access to funds during a lawsuit process can significantly ease financial stress. For many plaintiffs, lawsuit loans can mean the difference between settling early or seeing the case through to the end. This helps avoid any pressure to settle for a lesser amount because of pressing financial needs.

Lawsuit loans are also non-recourse in nature. This means if you do not win your legal case, you do not have to pay back the lawsuit loan. You only repay the loan if you win or settle your claim, hence providing a safety net for your financial situation.

Why choose It is because we stand out amidst our competitors by offering low, simple, and non-compounding interest rates to our clients. Additionally, we accelerate the funding process to provide quick relief. Often, we approve applications and disburse the funds on the same day that plaintiffs apply, thus providing fast, effective financial support when it is urgently needed.

Get up to $500,000 With Rates as Low as 2.5% Simple, Monthly

Why Choose for Legal Funding on Slip and Fall Claims

When involved in a legal case such as a slip and fall claim, acquiring funds to cover living expenses or paying off bills can be a struggle. But what if there was a company dedicated to providing pre-settlement funding while your case is being resolved? Enter, a pre-settlement funding company structured with the client’s needs at heart.

One of the main draws of is our low, simple rates. Starting at just 2.5% per month, we ensure that the financial burden doesn’t weigh too heavily on the clients. We want to give everyone the opportunity to have their claims heard without worrying excessively about their finances.

Besides friendly rates, prides itself on fast approval. Waiting for funds to be approved can be frustrating and stressful, especially if you urgently need the cash. At, we aim to approve your application as soon as the same day, ensuring you gain access to the funds you need quickly.

We also put a cap on our repayment terms. This means that the interest stops accruing after a certain date. You won’t find yourself stuck in a cycle of never-ending debt. Your well-being, both financial and mental, is a paramount concern to us.

Finally, what sets apart from other pre-settlement funding companies is our client-first approach. We understand that each client’s needs are unique. Therefore, our team works tirelessly to provide you with a personalized experience aimed at providing the best possible service. Our goal is to ease your worries by offering the financial support you need while your case is being resolved.

Maine Pre-Settlement Funding FAQs

We know you have questions about pre-settlement funding in Maine. Below, find answers to some of the most common inquiries we receive:

How much do advances on slip and fall claims cost?

The cost of an advance on a slip and fall claim can vary based on many factors. These include the nature and severity of your injuries, the expected settlement amount, and specific terms of the funding agreement. For the most precise estimate, please submit an application to or call us at (800) 340-4973.

Will I qualify for a lawsuit loan?

Eligibility for a lawsuit loan depends on your case and its probable outcome. Plaintiffs with strong legal claims typically have a high chance of approval. However, every case is unique and the ultimate decision is determined by specific caseload evaluations by our expert team.

Is pre-settlement funding worth it?

Pre-settlement funding can provide crucial financial relief during a trying time. If you’re dealing with income loss, mounting medical bills, or other financial struggles as a result of your injury, pre-settlement funding can be a valuable lifeline. It allows you to focus on healing while your legal case progresses.

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Cities we Service in Maine provides funding throughout Maine. See more about our funding in Maine by visiting the city pages below:

Other Cases we Fund in Maine provides funding for various personal injury and roadway accident cases in Maine. Read more about the personal injury cases we fund in Maine here:

Read more about the roadway accident claims we fund in Maine here:

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