Delaware Medical Malpractice Lawsuit Loans

  • Get Cash as Soon as the Same Business Day
  • Rates as Low as 2.5% Simple, Monthly
  • Repay $0 if You Lose Your Case
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What is a Medical Malpractice Lawsuit Loan and How Does it Work in Delaware?

A medical malpractice lawsuit loan, also known as pre-settlement funding, is financial assistance provided to plaintiffs involved in medical malpractice lawsuits. Simply put, it is a cash advance that plaintiffs can use to meet their immediate financial needs while they wait for their lawsuit to resolve.

Let’s consider an example. Imagine a patient named John who suffers from severe complications due to a surgical error in Delaware. His life has taken a dramatic turn, and he can no longer work. Moreover, he has mounting medical bills, household expenses, and other costs. While pursuing a legal claim against the medical institution responsible, John soon realizes that lawsuits take time, often many months or even years.

In such a scenario, a company like can step in to provide crucial financial relief. By applying for pre-settlement funding through funding application, John can receive a cash advance on his prospective legal claim.

The funds received are not a typical loan. Why? Because repayment is contingent on the outcome of his case. If John wins his lawsuit, he repays the advanced amount from his settlement. If he loses, there’s nothing to repay. This characteristic makes medical malpractice lawsuit loans a stress-free aid for plaintiffs during difficult times.

In Delaware and many other states, this form of lawsuit funding is completely legal and regulated, thus offering a safe and reliable financial lifeline for plaintiffs like John waiting for their settlement.

How Lawsuit Loans Work

Here’s how the lawsuit loan process works in three easy steps. The entire process can be completed within 24 hours with your attorney’s help.

Telephone Icon - Starting the process is easy, just apply online or call toll free

Apply Online or Call Toll-Free

Apply online or call us toll-free at (866) 594-1343. Submitting your application takes minutes.

Review Icon - We quickly review your legal case.

We Review Your Case

Next, we contact your law firm and collect basic information to review your case. Review only takes a few hours.

Money Bag Icon - Once we approve your case, you and your attorney sign the contract and you get cash the same day

You Receive Funds

You and your attorney review and sign our funding contract. Once complete, you can have funds within hours.

Types of Medical Malpractice

Medical malpractice is a legal term that refers to situations where a medical professional fails to perform their duties properly, leading to harm to the patient. This harm may be due to actions taken by the healthcare provider or their failure to take proper action, known as negligence. When such negligence causess harm, the patient has the right to seek compensation through a civil lawsuit.

Medical malpractice can take many forms. Below are some examples:

Incorrect Diagnosis

This occurs when a doctor does not identify a patient’s illness correctly, causing unnecessary suffering due to delayed or incorrect treatment. The misdiagnosis could lead to the progression of the disease, which may have otherwise been manageable or curable.

Medication Errors

These errors could include prescribing the wrong medication or dosage, attributing to harmful side effects, overdoses, or failure in treating the illness. Such mistakes cause substantial risk to the patients’ health and wellbeing.

Surgical Mistakes

Errors during surgery can also constitute medical malpractice. These mistakes range from performing the wrong operation, operating on the wrong patient, or leaving surgical tools inside the patient body.

Anesthesia Errors

Improper administration of anesthesia is highly dangerous and can result in severe injuries or even death. Anesthesiologists must thoroughly understand their patients’ history and current status to handle the risks associated with anesthesia effectively.

In any of these scenarios, if you have suffered because of a healthcare professional’s negligence, you have the right to file a medical malpractice claim to seek justice and compensation for your suffering.

Get up to $500,000 With Rates as Low as 2.5% Simple, Monthly

Delaware Medical Malpractice Lawsuit Loan Information

If you’re a plaintiff in a Delaware medical malpractice lawsuit, it can take a long time to reach a resolution. In the meantime, you might be struggling to handle your financial needs. At, we provide pre-settlement funding to plaintiffs, including those involved in medical malpractice claims. Our goal is to help you manage your finances while your case is being resolved.’s average medical malpractice loan $25,697.79
Largest medical malpractice loan by $137,471.03 average semi-annual rate for medical malpractice lawsuit loans 18.4%
Delaware Reports 2022′ 76
Delaware medical malpractice statute of limitations 2 years from the date of the injury.

Get an Instant Quote

Input your requested funding amount and the time your case may take to settle here to see your potential savings and costs when you choose While we sometimes offer rates as low as 2.5%, our calculator assumes a simple, non-compounding monthly rate of 3.3%. This calculator is for illustrative purposes only. Actual terms may differ. Please contact us for an instant, written quote for your request.

Advance Amount:

Months Until Settlement:


Total Cost

Pay $2,900 on a lawsuit loan of $10,000 if your case settles within 6 months of your advance.


Your Savings

Save $1,428 compared to competitors on a lawsuit loan of $10,000 if your case settles within 6 months of your advance.


Percent Savings

Save 33% on a lawsuit loan of $10,000 if your case settles within 6 months of your advance.

Am I Eligible For a Medical Malpractice Lawsuit Loan in Delaware?

Understanding eligibility requirements for lawsuit loans, in specific medical malpractice cases, is crucial before applying. There are several basic qualifications that plaintiffs must meet to receive funding.

The primary criteria involve legal considerations and personal circumstances. Firstly, claimants must have a legal case ongoing against an insurance company, self insured entity, or a large public institution. This claim must be legitimate and acknowledged by legal authorities.

Next, you need to have an attorney representing your case. Possessing legal counsel essentially gives you the footing needed to negotiate and win your settlement.

Lastly, eligible applicants need to be at least 18 years old. This is a standard requirement across various loan applications in most jurisdictions, and it applies here as well.

By satisfying these requirements, you would likely be considered eligible for a medical malpractice lawsuit loan in Delaware.

Get Started

Apply today and get funds in as little as 24 hours!

How Much Money Can I Get From my Medical Malpractice Lawsuit Loan?

Medical malpractice lawsuit loans from can range from $500 to over $1,000,000. We can forward up to a maximum of 25% of your expected share of the settlement if your case is ongoing. For settled police brutality cases, we can offer 50% of your expected share of the settlement.

Let’s take an instance where a plaintiff in Delaware is pursuing a police brutality claim with a possible worth of $200,000. The client is still receiving treatment for their injuries and the case might take another year to resolve. As per general assumption, medical providers receive about one-third of the settlement. The attorney collects another one-third of the settlement. Resultantly, the plaintiff would receive around $65,000. In this scenario, we could advance about 25%, or $16,250, of that amount.

How Can I Use the Money From my Medical Malpractice Loan?

When you receive a medical malpractice loan from, it can provide lifesaving financial relief while you wait for your legal case to resolve. But how can this money be spent? The good news is that there are very few restrictions on the use of these funds.

The money from a medical malpractice loan can be used for living expenses. This can mean different things to different people. For some, it could be paying rent or mortgage payments to keep a roof over their head. For others, it could be ensuring that there’s food on the table for their family every day. Bills and utilities, transportation costs, child care – these are all living expenses that can be covered by your medical malpractice loan.

Apart from everyday living costs, these funds can also be used for medical expenses. While you’re waiting for the resolution of your malpractice case, you may still need to pay for ongoing medical treatments, medications, or physical therapy. The funds from your malpractice lawsuit loan can assist with these costs.

However, it’s important to note one area where these loan funds should not be used. They cannot be spent on litigation or legal case expenses. The reason behind this is simple – a medical malpractice loan is designed to ease your personal financial burdens during an already stressful time, not to fund the associated legal process.

Get $500 – $500,000 in as Little as a Single Business Day!

We understand that if you’re applying for funding with us, you needed the funding yesterday. With your attorney’s cooperation, we can provide funding as soon as the same business day.

Our Medical Malpractice Loan Process

One may wonder how lawsuit loans work. Well, the process is quite simple and straightforward. It involves five main steps for a plaintiff to get his or her needed funds. These steps are:

  1. Applying online
  2. We then contact your law firm
  3. We now review your case
  4. You go on to sign a contract
  5. Lastly, you receive your funds

For clarity, let’s take an example of a plaintiff with a personal injury claim going through our lawsuit loan process.

John suffers from a personal injury due to a medical malpractice incident. He can’t afford the mounting legal fees, so he applies for a pre-settlement funding via funding application. After the application, we reach out to his law firm for additional details regarding the case. With sufficient case information available, we assess John’s case to determine approval and the loan amount. Once accepted, John signs a funding agreement, and within 24 hours, the funds are transferred directly to him.

As evident from John’s example, the process is as easy as it sounds yet highly effective in tiding over financial stress while awaiting a legal resolution.

Why Choose for Pre-settlement and Post-settlement Medical Malpractice Loans

When it comes to pre-settlement and post-settlement loans, is the ultimate option. Despite the numerous options available in the market, several factors make us stand out.

First, we offer low, simple rates starting at 2.5% per month. This provides an affordable solution for plaintiffs requiring financial assistance while awaiting settlement. It’s hassle-free – the repayment terms are capped, meaning interest stops accruing after a certain date. You’ll never need to worry about runaway interest affecting your financial stability.

Speed is also a crucial element in our services. With, you can expect fast approval—sometimes as soon as the same day. Why wait any longer than needed when urgent bills require payment?

Fundamentally, we prioritize you—the client. Our industry-leading transparency and client-first approach to pre-settlement funding ensure that you feel respected, heard, and well taken care of throughout the whole process. Your concerns and needs are our priority. We’re here to help bring you relief during what can often be a challenging period.

Choose for your pre-settlement and post-settlement medical malpractice loans and enjoy swift, affordable, and client-centred services.

Get up to $500,000 With Rates as Low as 2.5% Simple, Monthly

Most Common Personal Injury Claims we Fund in Delaware

We handle a variety of personal injury claims here at Here are the most frequent ones we fund in Delaware.

  1. Car Accidents: This is when an injury occurs due to a collision involving cars. It is one of the most common claims we fund.
  2. Commercial Vehicle Accidents: These accidents involve commercial vehicles like trucks or vans. These cases can be complex due to various factors such as company liability.
  3. Other Roadway Accidents: We fund other types of traffic accidents, including those involving motorcycles, pedestrians, or bicycles.
  4. Premises Liability Claims: These claims arise from injuries that occur on someone’s property due to their negligence. Learn more here.
  5. Medical Malpractice: When a healthcare provider causes injury or death due to negligence, it is considered medical malpractice. Read more at our Delaware Medical Malpractice Page.
  6. Work Injuries: Injuries at work can result from accidents, lack of safety measures, or negligence of the employer.
  7. Slip and Fall Claims: These incidents usually occur when a dangerous condition like wet flooring causes a slip and fall. More details can be found here.
  8. Dog Bite Lawsuits: If a dog owner’s negligence allows their dog to harm someone, the injured party has a valid claim. Get info on this here.
  9. Wrongful Death Claims: This is when a family member files a claim due to the wrongful death of a loved one caused by negligence.
  10. Police Misconduct: This includes cases where a law enforcement officer mistreats or harms someone in any way. Learn more on our page.

We fund almost any personal injury claim. So, if you don’t see your case type listed here, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us for more information.

Delaware Medical Malpractice Pre-Settlement Funding FAQs

When it comes to legal matters, questions often arise. Here are some frequently asked questions Delaware residents have regarding medical malpractice lawsuits and pre-settlement funding:

What is the most you can sue for medical malpractice?

In Delaware, as in many states, there isn’t a set limit on how much you can sue for medical malpractice. The damages awarded will often depend on specifics of the case, such as the nature of the malpractice and its impact on your life.

Who gets the money in a medical malpractice lawsuit?

In a successful medical malpractice lawsuit, the money usually goes to the plaintiff – that’s the person who filed the lawsuit. After attorney fees and lawsuit costs, the remaining amount benefits the injured party.

Is pre-settlement funding worth it?

Pre-settlement funding, like the kind offered by, provides plaintiffs with funds while they wait for their case to resolve. This financial relief can pay for living expenses and medical bills. Whether it’s worth it or not largely depends on your financial situation and the length of your lawsuit. It could be a valuable lifeline for some while waiting for the legal process to conclude.

Get Started

Apply today and get funds in as little as 24 hours!

Cities we Service in Delaware provides funding throughout Delaware. See more about our funding in Delaware by visiting the city pages below:

Other Cases we Fund in Delaware provides funding for various personal injury and roadway accident cases in Delaware. Read more about the personal injury cases we fund in Delaware here:

Read more about the roadway accident claims we fund in Delaware here:

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