New York Slip and Fall Lawsuit Loans

  • Get Cash As Soon As Today
  • Rates As Low As 2.5% Simple, Monthly
  • Repay $0 If You Lose
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    What is a Slip and Fall Lawsuit Loan, and How Does it Work in New York?

    A lawsuit loan, also known as pre-settlement funding, is a cash advance provided to plaintiffs who are waiting for their legal case to resolve. This type of loan helps plaintiffs deal with financial burdens during the legal process.

    One common situation where a plaintiff might seek a lawsuit loan is after a slip and fall accident, especially in New York. Slip and fall accidents can result in severe injuries that lead to high medical costs and loss of income. The legal process could take months or even years to settle, making it tough for the plaintiff to keep up with bills and daily living expenses.

    Lawsuit loans from are non-recourse advances. This means that the repayment of the loan depends solely on the outcome of the case. If the plaintiff wins the lawsuit, the loan is repaid out of the settlement amount. However, if the plaintiff loses the lawsuit, they have no obligation to repay the loan. The application process can be started by calling (866) 594-1343 or through the funding application online.

    How Lawsuit Loans Work

    Here’s how the lawsuit loan process works in three easy steps. The entire process can be completed within 24 hours with your attorney’s help.

    Telephone Icon - Starting the process is easy, just apply online or call toll free

    Apply Online or Call Toll-Free

    Apply online or call us toll-free at (866) 594-1343. Submitting your application takes minutes.

    Review Icon - We quickly review your legal case.

    We Review Your Case

    Next, we contact your law firm and collect basic information to review your case. Review only takes a few hours.

    Money Bag Icon - Once we approve your case, you and your attorney sign the contract and you get cash the same day

    You Receive Funds

    You and your attorney review and sign our funding contract. Once complete, you can have funds within hours.’s Legal Funding Process

    Understanding how lawsuit loans work can be daunting, especially for plaintiffs grappling with stressful legal battles. However, the process at is straightforward and designed to be helpful for people involved in personal injury claims such as slip and fall accidents. The five primary steps are easy to navigate.

    Firstly, you apply online. By visiting funding application, you can initiate your process for the lawsuit loan. This involves filling out some basic information about your case and your legal representative.

    Secondly, we contact your law firm. Our team will get in touch with your lawyer to discuss the specifics of your case. This allows us to understand the strength of your lawsuit better.

    The third step involves reviewing your case. After communicating with your law firm, we conduct a thorough review of your claims, injuries, and potential settlement amount.

    Once the review is done, and we approve your case, you sign a contract with us. This document will detail the agreement between you and, including the loan amount and repayment terms.

    You then get funds. Once the contract is signed and returned to us, we quickly transfer the funds to you. These funds are used to help you meet your financial obligations till your case settles.

    Example of the Lawsuit Loan Process

    Imagine someone named John, who had a slip and fall accident. Unable to work due to his injuries and with bills piling up, John decided to file a lawsuit. While his lawyer believes he has a strong case, the road to a settlement is lengthy. Needing financial assistance, John applies for a lawsuit loan with and supplied his lawyer’s contact details. The team at reached out to his lawyer, reviewed his case, and determined that John qualified for a lawsuit loan. John signed the contract, and within a short time, the funds he needed were transferred to him. He could now focus on his recovery knowing his pressing financial concerns were handled.

    Get up to $500,000 with rates as low as 2.5% simple, monthly

    Common Causes of Slip and Fall Injuries in New York

    Slip and fall accidents happen often, and they’re not always due to clumsiness. More frequently, these accidents take place due to another person’s negligence. Let’s explore some common causes of slip and fall injuries in New York.

    Wet and Uneven Surfaces

    These are the biggest culprits behind slips and falls. Restaurants, grocery stores, and other public areas with high foot traffic must ensure their floors are safe to walk on. If spills aren’t promptly cleaned up, or if floors are left uneven without warning signs, anyone can trip and get hurt.

    Weather Conditions

    In an area like New York, where winter weather can be treacherous, icy pavements can become a hazard. Property owners are responsible for snow and ice removal to keep pedestrians safe.

    Poor Lighting

    Poor lighting in stairways, parking lots, and walkways can make it hard to see potential hazards. Inadequate lighting is particularly dangerous in areas with steps or uneven surfaces.

    Faulty Stairs

    Stairs that are poorly maintained or improperly designed can cause people to trip and fall. Owners should make sure stairs comply with building codes and are kept in good repair.

    Workplace Hazards

    In workplaces, especially those involving manual labor, climbing ladders, or handling heavy equipment, slip and fall accidents are common. Employers should adhere to safety regulations to protect their workers.

    Keep in mind, if you get injured after a slip or a fall due to someone else’s negligence, you may be entitled to compensation. is here to provide funding until your case is resolved. Feel free to reach us at (866) 594-1343 or fill out our funding application.

    Get an Instant Quote

    Input your requested funding amount and the time your case may take to settle here to see your savings and cost when you choose While we sometimes offer interest rates as low as 2.5%, our calculator assumes an interest rate of 2.9%. This calculator is illustrative – please contact us for an instant, written quote for your request.

    Advance Amount:

    Months Until Settlement:


    Total Cost

    Pay as little as $2,631 on a lawsuit loan of $10,000 if your case settles within 6 months of your advance.


    Your Savings

    Save as much as $1,697 on a lawsuit loan of $10,000 if your case settles within 6 months of your advance.


    Percent Savings

    Save as much as 39% on a lawsuit loan of $10,000 if your case settles within 6 months of your advance.

    New York Personal Injury Lawsuit Loan Information

    If you’re involved in a personal injury lawsuit in New York, you might be considering a lawsuit loan. This is a type of funding provided by companies like to help you cover your expenses while you wait for your case to settle. Below is some key information about personal injury lawsuit loans in New York.

    Average premises liability funding by in New York $19,884.39
    Largest premises liability loan by in New York $72,739.00 average semi-annual rate for premises liability lawsuit loans in New York 20.3%
    Median personal injury verdict in New York $287,628.00
    2020 fall deaths in New York 1789

    Get Started

    Apply today and get funds as soon as the same day you apply!

    Am I Eligible for a Slip and Fall Lawsuit Loan in New York?

    If you’ve had a slip and fall accident in New York and filed a lawsuit, you might wonder if you can get a lawsuit loan. Here’s a look at the primary eligibility criteria.

    The most important requirement is having a valid legal claim. This means you’re suing an insurance company, a self-insured company, or a large public entity. You’re claiming they have some responsibility for your injury.

    Nearly as essential is having a lawyer. Lawsuit loans are a kind of relationship between you, your lawyer, and the loan company. The company counts on your lawyer to provide them with details about your case. Therefore, you need a lawyer to apply for a lawsuit loan.

    Lastly, you must be 18 years old or older. Just like any legal agreement, you have to be an adult to sign a contract for a lawsuit loan.

    With these conditions met, you could potentially secure a lawsuit loan from To start the process, call us on our toll-free number (866) 594-1343, or complete our online application at funding application.

    How Much Money Can I Get From my Slip and Fall Lawsuit Loan?

    In terms of slip and fall claims, provides lawsuit loans that could be anywhere from $500 to over $1,000,000. When your case is on-going, we can advance you up to a maximum of 25% of the expected money you’ll get from the settlement. For cases that were already settled, we offer 50% of your expected payment from the settlement.

    Take, for instance, a plaintiff from New York who has a slip and fall claim with an estimated value of $250,000. The client is still receiving treatment for their injuries, and it could take another year before their case is resolved. As a common practice, medical providers receive around 1/3 of the settlement, while the attorney also gets a similar chunk of the settlement. Therefore, the plaintiff would likely receive around $80,000. can provide advance funding of roughly 25% of that sum, or $20,000.

    Get $500 – $100,000 as soon as today

    We understand that if you’re applying for funding with us, you needed the funding yesterday. With your attorney’s cooperation, we can provide funding as soon as the same day you apply with us.

    How Can I Use the Money From my Slip and Fall Lawsuit Loan in New York?

    If you are a plaintiff with a Slip and Fall Lawsuit in New York, there are various ways you can use the funds provided by Unlike some loans that come with strict usage limitations, lawsuit loans offer flexibility in how you use your cash.

    One of the primary ways to use this money is for living expenses. The time it takes for lawsuits to reach completion can range from months to years. During this extended period, life’s everyday expenses don’t halt. Bills need to be paid, rent is due, and food needs to be on the table. A lawsuit loan from can provide financial breathing room while you wait for your case to resolve.

    Beyond living expenses, these funds can also caters to medical expenses. If your Slip and Fall incident resulted in injuries, medical bills may add up rather quickly. Physical therapy, medication, hospital visits, or surgery often cost more than plaintiffs anticipate. By using lawsuit loan funds, you can ensure that you receive proper medical care without worrying about the cost.

    Despite these usages, one restriction exists with lawsuit loans. Plaintiffs cannot use the funds towards litigation or legal case expenses directly related to their Slip and Fall lawsuit. These costs are typically handled by your attorney or law firm handling your case.

    To conclude, offers funding with flexible usage which could greatly ease the financial strain on plaintiffs waiting for their lawsuit to resolve.

    Benefits of Slip and Fall Lawsuit Loans

    The benefits of pre-settlement funding are multifold and can provide immense relief for individuals involved in a legal case. Firstly, lawsuit loans can offer valuable financial support when you most need it. With the possibility of lengthy legal proceedings, having early access to funds can reduce financial stress.

    Another benefit is being able to avoid early settlement pressure from insurance companies or other entities. Pre-settlement funding like the kind provided by allows you to wait for a fair settlement rather than yielding to a lesser offer due to immediate financial needs.

    One of the key benefits of lawsuit loans is their non-recourse nature. This means that if your lawsuit does not succeed, you are under no obligation to pay back the loan. Thus, the risk lies entirely with the lender, not the borrower. stands out above competitors due to its customer-friendly features. We offer low, simple, non-compounding rates, which ensures there are no hidden costs or surprises. Furthermore, our approval process is quick, with funding often provided as soon as the same day a plaintiff applies. To experience these benefits and more, visit our application page today or call us toll-free at (866) 594-1343.

    Get up to $500,000 with rates as low as 2.5% simple, monthly

    Most Common Personal Injury Claims we Fund in New York

    At, our primary mission is to provide funding for various types of personal injury claims in New York. Our funding covers cases like:

    • Car Accidents: These are accidents involving motor vehicles. They can result from driver’s errors, vehicle malfunctions, or poor road conditions.
    • Commercial Vehicle Accidents: In these cases, commercial vehicles such as trucks and buses are involved. They often have higher damages due to their size and weight.
    • Other Roadway Accidents: Any other accidents that occur on the roads, such as motorcycle accidents, bicycle accidents, and pedestrian accidents fall into this category.
    • Premises Liability Claims: These claims hold property owners responsible for any injuries that occur on their property due to negligence or unsafe conditions.
    • Medical Malpractice: When a health care provider fails to meet the standard of care which results in harm or injury to the patient.
    • Work Injuries: Injuries that happen at work due to unsafe work conditions, lack of proper training, or equipment malfunction falls under this category.
    • Slip and Fall Claims: These cases often occur when a person slips, trips, or falls resulting in injury, due to the negligence of a property owner or occupier.
    • Dog Bite Lawsuits: Claims against pet owners for injuries caused by their pets, particularly dogs.
    • Wrongful Death Claims: These claims arise when a person dies as a result of the negligence or misconduct of another. They are usually filed by the deceased’s family.
    • Police Misconduct: When an officer violates a person’s civil rights, then a lawsuit can be filed for police misconduct. This includes instances of excessive force, false arrest, or malicious prosecution.
    • We fund almost any personal injury claim, pending case review. Our goal is to help ease your financial burden as you pursue justice.

    Why Choose for Legal Funding on Slip and Fall Claims

    When you’re dealing with a slip and fall legal claim, it’s important to have the right support. This is where comes in. With us, you not only get funds to support your legal case, but you also enjoy some exceptional perks that make us unique.

    We believe in transparency and simplicity. Hence, we offer low, simple rates starting at 2.5% per month. Unlike other pre-settlement funding companies, our rates don’t change unexpectedly. You will always know what to expect.

    Furthermore, we understand the urgency of the situation when you need funds to move your case forward. Therefore, we strive to offer fast approval, often as soon as the same day you apply. We work tirelessly to ensure that you can access the funds you need in a timely manner.

    We are also one of the few companies in the industry that offer a capped repayment term. This means that interest stops accruing after a certain date. This works to your advantage by limiting the amount you owe and makes it easier to plan your finances.

    Finally, at, we operate with a client-first approach. Your needs and your satisfaction are our top priority. We cater to you and your unique needs to ensure you feel valued and supported throughout your legal journey.

    Don’t fret about how to fund your legal case. Let handle it for you and provide you with the financial assistance necessary to help you get the justice you need and deserve.

    Get Started

    Apply today and get funds as soon as the same day you apply!

    New York Pre-Settlement Funding FAQs

    Living in the state of New York and dealing with a personal injury or other legal claim can cause both physical and financial stress. Understanding the options available to help ease this burden is necessary. Some frequent questions that are often asked by our clients from New York are answered below.

    How much do advances on slip and fall claims cost?

    In most cases, the cost of an advance on a slip and fall claim varies. It depends on the specifics of your case, like how long the case might last and the predicted outcome. To get an accurate quote, contact us at (866) 594-1343, or fill out our online funding application.

    Will I qualify for a lawsuit loan?

    Qualifying for a lawsuit loan mainly depends on the strength of your case. If you have a valid legal claim and an attorney representing you, there’s a good chance you may qualify. However, to confirm, please reach out to us directly.

    Is pre-settlement funding worth it?

    Pre-settlement funding can provide relief to plaintiffs who need immediate funds while waiting for their lawsuit to resolve. This type of funding can help pay for daily living expenses, medical bills, and other costs related to the injury or accident. However, whether it’s worth it or not will depend on your specific situation and financial needs.


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