New York Personal Injury Loans

  • Get Cash as Soon as the Same Business Day
  • Rates as Low as 2.5% Simple, Monthly
  • Repay $0 if You Lose Your Case
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What is a Personal Injury Lawsuit Loan and How Does it Work in New York

A personal injury lawsuit loan is a financial arrangement where a company, like, provides funds to plaintiffs involved in personal injury cases. This non-recourse type of funding is not a typical loan but rather an advance against the future compensation from the lawsuit.

In New York, this process begins with the plaintiff applying for a loan using an online application. Then, the company reviews the facts of the case, alongside the lawyer’s opinions about the lawsuit’s outcome, to make a lending decision. If the application is approved, the funds can be sent directly to the plaintiff, who only needs to pay back the loan if they win their case.

Consider a New Yorker named Jane who has been injured in a car accident due to someone else’s negligence. Jane is unable to work due to her injury, and while she awaits her lawsuit’s resolution, she struggles to pay her bills. In this situation, a personal injury lawsuit loan from might provide the immediate relief she needs. If Jane is successful in her legal claim, she would pay back the advance from her settlement. If she loses, she owes nothing

How Lawsuit Loans Work

Here’s how the lawsuit loan process works in three easy steps. The entire process can be completed within 24 hours with your attorney’s help.

Telephone Icon - Starting the process is easy, just apply online or call toll free

Apply Online or Call Toll-Free

Apply online or call us toll-free at (866) 594-1343. Submitting your application takes minutes.

Review Icon - We quickly review your legal case.

We Review Your Case

Next, we contact your law firm and collect basic information to review your case. Review only takes a few hours.

Money Bag Icon - Once we approve your case, you and your attorney sign the contract and you get cash the same day

You Receive Funds

You and your attorney review and sign our funding contract. Once complete, you can have funds within hours.

New York Personal Injury Lawsuit Loan Information

If you’re involved in a personal injury case and find yourself in need of financial help, is here for you. We offer pre-settlement funding to plaintiffs in New York. Here are some details about personal injury loans in the state:

Average personal injury loan amount by in New York $21,876.20
Largest personal injury loan by in New York $233,714.08 average semi-annual rate for personal injury loans in New York 20.5%
Median personal injury verdict in New York $287,628.00
New York statute of limitations 3 Years; Civil Practice Laws and Rules Art. 2 Section 214
New York fault laws New York is a “no-fault” state, meaning your own insurance covers your losses regardless of who caused the accident.

Get up to $500,000 With Rates as Low as 2.5% Simple, Monthly

Am I Eligible For a Personal Injury Lawsuit Loan in New York?

Obtaining a personal injury lawsuit loan in New York is subject to certain eligibility criteria. These primary requirements provide the basis to qualify for pre-settlement funding through our service.

First and foremost, you must have a valid legal claim. This implies a pending lawsuit involving personal injury, where you’re seeking compensation from an insurance company, a self-insured company, or a large public entity. The nature of the defendant in your case is crucial to fulfill this criterion.

Secondly, the involvement of an attorney in your case is a prerequisite. Your lawyer’s role includes submitting the needed legal paperwork and communicating with us regarding the specifics of the case. Hence, having an attorney is an integral part of the loan approval process.

Lastly, age is another vital aspect. You must be at least 18 years old to apply for a loan. As a legal adult, you are entitled and held responsible for the agreement you enter with us.

In summary, if you have a personal injury case against an insured party, if you’ve hired an attorney and you’re above 18 years old, you qualify to apply for a lawsuit loan with

Get an Instant Quote

Input your requested funding amount and the time your case may take to settle here to see your potential savings and costs when you choose While we sometimes offer rates as low as 2.5%, our calculator assumes a simple, non-compounding monthly rate of 3.3%. This calculator is for illustrative purposes only. Actual terms may differ. Please contact us for an instant, written quote for your request.

Advance Amount:

Months Until Settlement:


Total Cost

Pay $2,900 on a lawsuit loan of $10,000 if your case settles within 6 months of your advance.


Your Savings

Save $1,428 compared to competitors on a lawsuit loan of $10,000 if your case settles within 6 months of your advance.


Percent Savings

Save 33% on a lawsuit loan of $10,000 if your case settles within 6 months of your advance.

How Much Money Can I Get From my Personal Injury Lawsuit Loan?

Personal injury lawsuit loans from can range from $500 – $1,000,000+. We can advance up to a maximum of 25% of your expected portion of the settlement if your case is still in progress. For settled personal injury cases, we can offer 50% of your expected portion of the settlement.

Let’s look at an example. Imagine a plaintiff in New York is pursuing a premises liability claim with a $200,000 estimated value. The client is still undergoing treatment for their injuries and the case may take another year to resolve. As a general rule of thumb, medical providers get paid around 1/3 of the settlement, the attorney gets another 1/3 of the settlement, which means the plaintiff is likely to receive around $65,000. In such a scenario, we could potentially advance around 25% of that amount or $16,250.

Get Started

Apply today and get funds in as little as 24 hours!

How Can I Use the Money From my Personal Injury Loan?

If you are a plaintiff who has taken out a personal injury loan, you might wonder how you can use this money. The good news is you have a lot of flexibility with these funds while you wait for your legal case to resolve.

One of the main uses for these funds is to cover living expenses. Legal cases often take months or even years to settle. During this time, you might not be able to work due to your injuries. Even if you can work, you might face reduced hours or lower pay. This can cause financial stress and hardship.

The loan from can help bridge the gap. You could use the money to pay you rent or mortgage, utility bills, groceries, transportation costs and much more.

Besides daily living costs, these loans can also help cover medical-related expenses. If you’ve been injured, you might have ongoing medical costs like physical therapy, counseling, medications, or health insurance premiums. While some of this might be covered by insurance, not all of it will be. The funds from a personal injury loan can help cover the balance.

However, there is one limitation on the use of these funds. They cannot be used for litigation or legal case expenses. Their purpose is to relieve the financial strain on you during the court proceedings, not to fund the legal battle itself.

Most Common Personal Injury Claims We Fund in New York

At, we provide funding for various types of personal injury claims in New York. Here are some of the most common cases that we fund:

Car Accidents

When you’re a victim of an accident involving cars, you may claim for damage and injuries that you’ve suffered. Learn more about car accidents claims here.

Commercial Vehicle Accidents

We support victims who have been in an accident with commercial vehicles such as buses or trucks.

Premises Liability Claims

Claims made when a person is injured due to unsafe conditions on someone else’s property. Find out more about premises liability claims here.

Medical Malpractice

If a healthcare provider’s negligence results in injury or illness, you may have a claim. Visit this page for more info on medical malpractice.

Work Injuries

Workplace injuries sometimes occur despite safety measures. These injuries may be eligible for compensation.

Slip and Fall Claims

A fall caused by unsafe conditions could make you eligible for a claim. Read more about these claims here.

Dog Bite Lawsuits

If you’re bitten by a dog and sustain injuries, you might have a case. Find out more about dog bite lawsuits here.

Wrongful Death Claims

Claims made when someone’s negligence leads to another person’s death. Learn more about wrongful death claims here.

Police Misconduct

We fund cases where an officer’s misconduct has resulted in personal injury. Get more details about police misconduct cases here.

We fund almost any personal injury claim. If you have a claim that doesn’t fit into the categories above, reach out to us!

Get $500 – $500,000 in as Little as a Single Business Day!

We understand that if you’re applying for funding with us, you needed the funding yesterday. With your attorney’s cooperation, we can provide funding as soon as the same business day.

Our Personal Injury Loan Process

Let’s break down how lawsuit loans work for a better understanding. Our process involves five main steps for the plaintiff to receive their funds. Here are they:

  1. Apply online: The first step is to make an online application on our website. You can do that by visiting this link: funding application.
  2. We contact your law firm: After we receive your application, we will reach out to your legal team to gather some necessary information about the ongoing case.
  3. We review your case: Following the data collection, our experts will conduct a meticulous case review. This helps us in determining if you qualify for a lawsuit loan and the amount you can receive.
  4. You sign a contract: If the case review indicates that you qualify, then we prepare a contract which outlines all the terms and conditions involved. Your approval is shown via signing this contract.
  5. You get funds: Once the contract is signed, we release the funds. We understand the urgency, therefore strive to offer a quick turnaround time.

Now, let’s look at a real-life example. Suppose you’ve sustained a personal injury because of someone else’s negligence. You decide to file a case against them but also realize that court cases consume a lot of time and could put a strain on your finances. So, you approach for a lawsuit loan. You apply online, we get in touch with your law firm to review your case, and you’re found to be eligible. You sign the contract, and soon after that, you receive your funds. This financial relief allows you to focus more on recuperating and less on immediate bills and living expenses.

Why Choose for Pre-settlement and Post-settlement Injury Loans

If you are in the middle of a lawsuit and need money, is your best choice. We are a leading provider of pre-settlement and post-settlement injury loans. There are many reasons why you should choose us. Here are some of them:

  • Low, simple rates: Our rates start at 2.5% per month. This means it is affordable for you to borrow from us.
  • Fast approval: You do not have to wait for weeks to get your money. We can approve your loan as soon as the same day you apply.
  • Capped repayment terms: With us, you will not be stuck paying interest forever. Our interest stops accruing after a certain date. This gives you peace of mind knowing there is a limit to what you will repay.
  • Transparency: We are open about our fees and charges. We believe in being clear with our clients so they know exactly what they are getting into.
  • Client-first approach: We always put our clients first. Your needs and satisfaction are our top priority. That’s why we are the top choice for many plaintiffs.

Choose for all your pre-settlement funding needs. Get the financial aid you need without the burden of high costs and complicated terms.

Get up to $500,000 With Rates as Low as 2.5% Simple, Monthly

New York Pre-Settlement Funding FAQs

We often come across few regular queries from the residents of New York related to pre-settlement funding. Here we will address them one by one.

How much do personal injury advances cost?

Costs associated with personal injury advances tend to vary based on the specifics of your individual case. Factors such as the risk involved, the duration till settlement, and amount of funding can affect the costs. Visit for more detailed information tailored to your situation.

Do I qualify for a lawsuit loan?

If you are in the process of a legal claim and have a lawyer representing you, you are likely eligible for a lawsuit loan. Additional factors may influence this so it’s best to contact at (800) 340-4973 or complete their online application to see if you qualify.

Is pre-settlement funding worth it?

The value of pre-settlement funding largely depends on your personal and financial needs. For some, it can provide the financial lifeline they need to keep their case going. For others, it offers peace of mind while waiting for their case to settle. Again, this can be subjective, thus evaluate carefully before taking a decision.

Cities we Service in New York provides funding throughout New York. See more about our funding in New York by visiting the city pages below:

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Apply today and get funds in as little as 24 hours!

Other Cases we Fund in New York provides funding for various personal injury and roadway accident cases in New York. Read more about the personal injury cases we fund in New York here:

Read more about the roadway accident claims we fund in New York here:

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