Irvine, California Lawsuit Loans

  • Get Cash As Soon As Today
  • Rates As Low As 2.5% Simple, Monthly
  • Repay $0 If You Lose
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    What Are Lawsuit Loans in Irvine, California

    If you’ve been injured due to someone else’s negligence, a lawsuit loan is a financial tool that could help. These are non-recourse advances on a plaintiff’s future legal settlement. The unique aspect of a lawsuit loan is, if you don’t win your case, you don’t have to pay it back.

    At, we provide funding for different types of claims, not just in Irvine but throughout California. For more information specific to your location, visit our California Lawsuit Loans page.

    Let’s illustrate with a hypothetical example. Lawrence lives in Irvine, California, and was injured in a car accident caused by another driver’s carelessness. While he waits for his legal case to resolve, the bills keep piling up and he struggles financially. Lawrence applies for a lawsuit loan through to ease this burden. Once approved, he can use this loan to meet his immediate financial needs. When his case is finally settled, Lawrence pays back the loan from the received settlement. If, for any reason, he doesn’t win the case, there’s no need for him to repay the loan.

    How Lawsuit Loans Work

    Here’s how the lawsuit loan process works in three easy steps. The entire process can be completed within 24 hours with your attorney’s help.

    Telephone Icon - Starting the process is easy, just apply online or call toll free

    Apply Online or Call Toll-Free

    Apply online or call us toll-free at (866) 594-1343. Submitting your application takes minutes.

    Review Icon - We quickly review your legal case.

    We Review Your Case

    Next, we contact your law firm and collect basic information to review your case. Review only takes a few hours.

    Money Bag Icon - Once we approve your case, you and your attorney sign the contract and you get cash the same day

    You Receive Funds

    You and your attorney review and sign our funding contract. Once complete, you can have funds within hours.

    Important California Lawsuit Loan Information

    This section offers some key details about lawsuit loans in California. You’ll find facts on average and largest loan amounts provided by, common semi-annual rates, median personal injury verdicts, as well as legal specifics like statute of limitations and fault laws. We’ve even included the roaring population size for a typical Californian city. Explore these figures below:

    Average loan amount by in California $13,562.61
    Largest loan by in California $224,295.00
    Average semi-annual rate in California 20.4%
    Median personal injury verdict in California $114,305.00
    California statute of limitations 2 Years; California Code of Civil Procedure Section 312
    California fault laws California is an “at-fault” or “tort” state, meaning the driver found to be responsible for the accident is liable for damages.
    A typical California city’s population, 2020 307,670

    Get up to $500,000 with rates as low as 2.5% simple, monthly

    Common Case Types We Fund in Irvine

    At, we are committed to financially supporting various plaintiffs as they pursue their legal cases. Over time, we have noticed that certain types of claims are more common among our clients in Irvine. These include:

    Auto and Other Roadway Accidents

    Traffic accidents can lead to severe injuries and material damages causing victims to seek financial compensation. From rear-end collisions to motorcycle wrecks, these cases require funds for medical expenses or vehicle repairs while waiting for the court’s decision.

    Premises Liability Claims

    Premises liability is a legal concept that holds property owners accountable for injuries occurring on their premises. This may involve tripping accidents, slip and fall incidences, or other harm caused by unsafe property conditions.

    Medical Malpractice

    Medical malpractice occurs when a healthcare provider fails to adhere to established standards leading to patient harm. Misdiagnosis, surgical errors, or even improper medication prescriptions, all fall under this category.

    Labor Law Claims

    These claims arise when workers’ rights are infringed upon, such as unpaid wages, lack of overtime pay, unsafe work conditions, or wrongful termination. Such cases can be lengthy and often require financial support during the legal process.

    Employment Claims

    At times, workers seek legal recourse for violations related to discrimination, harassment, or other matters affecting their employment rights. The path to justice can be long and typically necessitates funds to navigate effectively.

    Other Personal Injury Claims

    Personal injury claims are wide-ranging and include any case where a person’s body, mind, or emotions are hurt, usually due to someone else’s negligence or carelessness. We provide funding for such claims, aiding plaintiffs throughout the legal journey.

    For more information or to apply for funding, visit our Funding Application page, or contact us toll-free at (866) 594-1343.

    Get an Instant Quote

    Input your requested funding amount and the time your case may take to settle here to see your savings and cost when you choose While we sometimes offer interest rates as low as 2.5%, our calculator assumes an interest rate of 2.9%. This calculator is illustrative – please contact us for an instant, written quote for your request.

    Advance Amount:

    Months Until Settlement:


    Total Cost

    Pay as little as $2,631 on a lawsuit loan of $10,000 if your case settles within 6 months of your advance.


    Your Savings

    Save as much as $1,697 on a lawsuit loan of $10,000 if your case settles within 6 months of your advance.


    Percent Savings

    Save as much as 39% on a lawsuit loan of $10,000 if your case settles within 6 months of your advance.

    Am I Eligible for a Lawsuit Loan in Irvine?

    If you’re thinking of applying for a lawsuit loan, it’s natural to wonder whether you meet the eligibility criteria. In general, applicants need to meet three main conditions to qualify for a lawsuit loan.

    Firstly, you need to have valid legal claim. This means you are involved in an active lawsuit against an insurance company, a self-insured corporation, or a large public entity. This is crucial because your lawsuit is essentially what backs up your loan.

    Secondly, you need to be represented by an attorney. works directly with your attorney to understand the details and potential outcome of your case, which influences the loan you can receive.

    Lastly, you must be at least 18 years old, as it’s a legal requirement in most jurisdictions. If you meet all these conditions, chances are you are eligible to apply for a lawsuit loan in Irvine through

    Get Started

    Apply today and get funds as soon as the same day you apply!

    Our Irvine Lawsuit Loan Process

    Understanding the process for obtaining a lawsuit loan is quite simple. Here at, we make sure that our method is straightforward and easy to understand. The process involves five key steps:

    1. Apply online: Firstly, utilize our online application form. This is your first step towards getting the funds.
    2. We contact your law firm: After you submit your application, we will reach out to your law firm to gather further information about your case.
    3. We review your case: Once we have gathered all necessary details from your law firm, our experts begin to carefully review your case.
    4. You sign a contract: If we find your case eligible, we prepare a contract for you to sign. This agreement outlines the terms of the pre-settlement funding.
    5. You get funds: Upon receipt of the signed agreement, we speedily transfer the agreed funds into your bank account.

    To illustrate this process, let’s say John Doe was injured in a car accident. He applied online at We got in touch with his law firm to gather more information about his case. After reviewing his case and concluding that he has a strong claim, we prepared an agreement outlining the amount he’ll receive and other pertinent details. John signed this agreement and soon after, received his pre-settlement funds, allowing him to focus on his recovery while his lawyer worked on resolving the case.

    How Much Money Can I Get From my Lawsuit Loan?

    Lawsuit loans from can vary greatly in value. These loans can range from as little as $500 to more than a million dollars. The amount of money you can get in advance depends on your expected portion of the settlement from your case.

    If your case is still in progress, we at are able to advance up to a maximum of 25% of your expected portion of the settlement. However, if your case has already been settled, we can offer up to 50% of your expected share of the settlement.

    Using an Example

    Making this all a bit clearer, let’s use an example. Suppose the plaintiff is in Irvine and the lawsuit involves a car accident. The estimated value of this case is around $100,000, but the case has not yet settled and it may take some time before it does. Typically, medical providers will receive about one-third of the settlement, with the attorney receiving another third. The plaintiff will then get around $35,000. In this scenario, we at could advance around 25% of the plaintiff’s expected share. This means we would be able to provide a lawsuit loan of around $8,250.

    Get $500 – $100,000 as soon as today

    We understand that if you’re applying for funding with us, you needed the funding yesterday. With your attorney’s cooperation, we can provide funding as soon as the same day you apply with us.

    How quickly can I get a pre-settlement lawsuit loan in Irvine?

    One of the most common questions plaintiffs ask is how soon they can access pre-settlement funding. At, we understand the urgency of your situation. We work hard to make the process as swift and easy as possible.

    After you have completed and submitted your application, our team immediately begins reviewing your case. Our turnaround time is reliant on various factors, yet we aim to make a decision within 24 hours. This means you could potentially receive your funding in less than a day.

    For instance, consider a scenario where you’re involved in an ongoing personal injury claim. You decide to apply for a lawsuit loan from us in the morning. By the next day, we may already have a decision on your application. As a result, if approved, you could have the money you need in your account in no time.

    In conclusion, while each case is unique and the exact timeline can vary, we commit to a rapid response and funding provision. Here at, we strive to eliminate lengthy waits and provide the financial support you need as quickly as possible.

    Pros and Cons of Pre-Settlement Funding in Irvine, California

    When you’re involved in a lawsuit, it is a stressful time with many unknowns. One way to get some relief during this challenging period is through pre-settlement funding. But it is essential to weigh the pros and cons before committing to this financial solution.

    Benefits of Pre-Settlement Funding

    • Financial Relief: Being able to continue with your normal life while waiting for your lawsuit to resolve is significant. Sometimes, this could take years. Pre-settlement funding can provide necessary financial aid during this period.
    • Early Access to Funds: With pre-settlement funding, you don’t have to wait until the lawsuit concludes. You can get funds much earlier, helping to cover expenses like medical bills or lost wages due to the lawsuit.
    • Avoiding Early Settlement Pressure: Without financial pressure, you can wait until your attorney negotiates the best possible settlement.
    • Non-Recourse Nature: If you lose the case, you don’t have to pay back the loan. The loan is secured against the proceeds from your potential legal claim.

    Cons of Pre-Settlement Funding

    • High Interest Rates: The interest rates, although comparable to other specialty finance products, can be high. Always consider this when seeking pre-settlement funding.
    • Under-Regulated Industry: The industry is not well-regulated. Therefore, it’s crucial to work with reputable funders, such as
    • Need for a Well-Developed Case: To secure pre-settlement funding, you typically need a well-developed case with an attorney who agrees to work on a contingency basis.

    As you weigh the pros and cons, remember that the decision is always yours. Consult with your attorney and seek advice from trusted sources before making a choice. And remember, is here to help.

    Get up to $500,000 with rates as low as 2.5% simple, monthly

    Irvine Pre-Settlement Funding FAQs

    Here, we will answer some frequently asked questions about pre-settlement funding for Irvine residents.

    1. How much does it cost to get a lawsuit loan?

    The cost of obtaining a lawsuit loan may vary based on the details of your legal case. The cost comprises any upfront fees and the eventual payback amount, which includes the initial loaned amount plus interest. For more specific information related to your case, please reach out to using their online application form or call toll-free at (866) 594-1343.

    2. Do I qualify for a lawsuit loan?

    Qualifying for a lawsuit loan typically depends on the strength of your legal case. If you have a valid personal injury claim or other legal claim and are represented by an attorney, you likely qualify. However, everyone’s case is unique. To find out if your case qualifies for a lawsuit loan, contact today.

    3. If you have bad credit, can you get pre-settlement funding in California?

    Yes, you can. At, we mainly consider the merits of your legal case, not your credit score. Even if you have bad credit, you can still apply for and receive pre-settlement funding in California. Since our decision is based on your legal case and not your personal financial history, there is no need for credit check or employment verification. Simply complete our online application to start the process.

    Other Cities we Service in California provides funding throughout California. See more about our funding in other key California cities by visiting the pages below:

    Get Started

    Apply today and get funds as soon as the same day you apply!

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